Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Question. Responses welcome.

Been bombarded with media coverage of Japan the past two weeks. I have to stop and think: what impact has online journalism and contemporary multimedia coverage had on the country after the earthquake and tsumani? Thoughts?


  1. I would hope that the coverage has made a major positive impact in the form of global awareness and aid to Japan.

  2. The media coverage has helped the whole world see the aftermath of the events in Japan and it has inspired many to donate money. I know that after I saw videos of the destruction, I texted the Red Cross and donated $10 right away.

  3. I agree, i think the amount of news out there is really improving awareness about what's going on.

  4. The public is only limited to press releases; the public in Japan and other countries don't seem to be well "in the know" of what's going on and how they've been impacted. Media and online journalism are shaping our perceptions of the current disasters in Japan because they're our only "reliable" source of information.

  5. I definitely think that the media coverage has brought awareness to the situation and has made a positive impact. Although it is tough for the people of japan to relive the disaster over and over again by watching the news coverage and reading about it online, it also helps increase global awareness to those who want to reach out and help aid the people who have been hit by the tsunami.
